deductible is the amount a member must pay out-of-pocket before
insurance benefits kick-in. Deductibles are often listed annually, by
individual and family. In other words, if you have a $300/$900
deductible, it means that $300 must be paid for an individual member OR
$900 for the combined family before insurance will begin paying for
services. Deductibles correspond to your plan's policy year (e.g.
calendar or fiscal).
co-payment is the portion of the charge for the appointment that the
member is responsible for. This amount may be a specific dollar amount, a
percentage for the total charge, or a combination of the two.
insurance plans have provider panels (professionals that are contracted
with your insurance company), which are the professionals whose
services the plan will pay the maximum benefit for.
plans allow members to "swing-out" of the panel and see any provider
they choose. The main disadvantage of going outside your network is you
may have to pay a higher deductible and/or copay than if you use a
provider who is considered in-network.