A compilation of Life Stone clinicians' publications and contributions to Mental Health topics, in both print, tv and other media. Organized by most recent or topic!
- How Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Really Works
- Why I Don't Use the Word 'Forgiveness' in Trauma Therapy
- Trauma Recovery: Unlinking Fear and Danger in the Brain
- Better After Trauma, Than Before? For Many, It's True
- Between Therapy Sessions: 3 Handy Coping Skills for Trauma
- Treating Trauma: Why EMDR Might be Right for You
- 4 Ways to Enhancing Trauma Healing Outside the Therapy Room
- How EMDR Therapy Can Help Ease Trauma
- Are Small Traumas Affecting Your Success?
- Treatment of Trauma in Therapy, Part 1: Five Common Myths
- Treatment of Trauma in Therapy, Part 2: How it Should Look
- Are Your Secrets Keeping You Sick?
- Is There a Better Way to Deal with Bad Memories?
- When It All Falls Apart: Trauma's Impact on Intimate Relationships
- The Seasons of Trauma: Recognizing When Symptoms Might Flare Up
- Riding the Waves of Trauma Symptoms
- Coping with Secondary Trauma: A Loved One's Guide
- Secondary Trauma: A Therapist's Guide
- Mindfulness in the Treatment of Trauma
- The Aftermath of Trauma: Four Common Characteristics
- Understanding Trauma
- Understanding Treatment of Trauma
- How to Deal with Childhood Fears
- Small Trauma's Can Lead to Big Problems Too
- 10 Signs that Your Child has been Traumatized
- Postpartum Depression & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Preventing Media Induced Vicarious Trauma
- Why I Don't Use the Word 'Forgiveness' in Trauma Therapy
- Trauma Recovery: Unlinking Fear and Danger in the Brain
- Better After Trauma, Than Before? For Many, It's True
- Between Therapy Sessions: 3 Handy Coping Skills for Trauma
- Treating Trauma: Why EMDR Might be Right for You
- 4 Ways to Enhancing Trauma Healing Outside the Therapy Room
- How EMDR Therapy Can Help Ease Trauma
- Are Small Traumas Affecting Your Success?
- Treatment of Trauma in Therapy, Part 1: Five Common Myths
- Treatment of Trauma in Therapy, Part 2: How it Should Look
- Are Your Secrets Keeping You Sick?
- Is There a Better Way to Deal with Bad Memories?
- When It All Falls Apart: Trauma's Impact on Intimate Relationships
- The Seasons of Trauma: Recognizing When Symptoms Might Flare Up
- Riding the Waves of Trauma Symptoms
- Coping with Secondary Trauma: A Loved One's Guide
- Secondary Trauma: A Therapist's Guide
- Mindfulness in the Treatment of Trauma
- The Aftermath of Trauma: Four Common Characteristics
- Understanding Trauma
- Understanding Treatment of Trauma
- How to Deal with Childhood Fears
- Small Trauma's Can Lead to Big Problems Too
- 10 Signs that Your Child has been Traumatized
- Postpartum Depression & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Preventing Media Induced Vicarious Trauma
- A Simple Exercise You can do Anywhere to Alleviate Anxiety
- 4 Mindfulness Skills that can Help You Manage Anxiety
- Depression in Men: A Hidden Epidemic
- 3 Ways to Win the Battle Within
- Why Having a Cluttered Home is Linked to Depression
- The Power of the Breath in Calming the Nervous System
- 4 Steps to Ease Anxiety Now!
- 4 Mindfulness Skills that can Help You Manage Anxiety
- Depression in Men: A Hidden Epidemic
- 3 Ways to Win the Battle Within
- Why Having a Cluttered Home is Linked to Depression
- The Power of the Breath in Calming the Nervous System
- 4 Steps to Ease Anxiety Now!
- Reasons Why Your Partner May Not be Hearing You and What You Can Do About It
- 5 Things that are Killing your Sex Life
- 3 Ways to Build a Positive Relationship
- Affair Proofing Your Marriage, Part 1
- 5 Selfish Things that can Ruin Your Marriage
- How Avoidance is Killing Your Relationship
- The Biggest Obstacle Getting in the Way of Your Communication
- 4 Useful Tips to Keep Your Love Alive
- Benefits of Fighting and How to do it Better
- Emotional Affairs, Part 1: Protecting Your Relationship
- Emotional Affairs, Part 2: Recovery in the Aftermath
- Emotional Affairs, Part 3: Moving Forward & Thriving
- When It All Falls Apart: Trauma's Impact on Intimate Relationships
- Avoiding Avoidance in your Relationship: How to Talk to the Elephants in the Room
- 4 Ways to Help Your Partner Love Healthier- Without Starting a Fight
- 9 Relationship Tips from the Pros
- What Big Things are Getting in the Way of Good Communication in Your Relationship?
- Therapist Panel on LOVE: 4 Communication Styles to Avoid for a Happy Relationship
- Therapist Panel on LOVE: Why Every Couple should have a No Cell Phone for 30 Minutes a Day Rule
- Dating and Discouraged? The Do's and Don'ts
- 5 Things that are Killing your Sex Life
- 3 Ways to Build a Positive Relationship
- Affair Proofing Your Marriage, Part 1
- 5 Selfish Things that can Ruin Your Marriage
- How Avoidance is Killing Your Relationship
- The Biggest Obstacle Getting in the Way of Your Communication
- 4 Useful Tips to Keep Your Love Alive
- Benefits of Fighting and How to do it Better
- Emotional Affairs, Part 1: Protecting Your Relationship
- Emotional Affairs, Part 2: Recovery in the Aftermath
- Emotional Affairs, Part 3: Moving Forward & Thriving
- When It All Falls Apart: Trauma's Impact on Intimate Relationships
- Avoiding Avoidance in your Relationship: How to Talk to the Elephants in the Room
- 4 Ways to Help Your Partner Love Healthier- Without Starting a Fight
- 9 Relationship Tips from the Pros
- What Big Things are Getting in the Way of Good Communication in Your Relationship?
- Therapist Panel on LOVE: 4 Communication Styles to Avoid for a Happy Relationship
- Therapist Panel on LOVE: Why Every Couple should have a No Cell Phone for 30 Minutes a Day Rule
- Dating and Discouraged? The Do's and Don'ts
- Taking the Stigma out of Dissociative Identity Disorder
- A Closer Look at Dissociative Identity Disorder, OZBlog
- A Closer Look at Dissociative Identity Disorder, Part 2, OzBlog
- A Woman with 67 Personalities, Dr. Oz Exclusive
- Dissociative Identity Disorder: Understanding the Reality Behind the Myths
- The Brain Defense Mode: How Dissociation Helps Us Survive
- Feeling Detached? 4 Ways to Become More Connected
- A Closer Look at Dissociative Identity Disorder, OZBlog
- A Closer Look at Dissociative Identity Disorder, Part 2, OzBlog
- A Woman with 67 Personalities, Dr. Oz Exclusive
- Dissociative Identity Disorder: Understanding the Reality Behind the Myths
- The Brain Defense Mode: How Dissociation Helps Us Survive
- Feeling Detached? 4 Ways to Become More Connected
- Get Rid of Mom Guilt
- How to Navigate the Parent Shaming Spiral
- Pregnancy Questions: Antepartum Depression and Anxiety
- Things you should NEVER say to a pregnant lady
- Pregnancy Survival Guide for Mom and Dad
- What NOT to do After Baby Arrives
- Having Another Baby after Postpartum Depression
- 5 Ways to Connect with Your Daughter
- 5 Lessons Learned from Postpartum Depression
- Moving Forward After Miscarriage
- Postpartum Depression & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- The Trauma of Infertility: A Guide to Surviving and Thriving
- Why Mom's Lose their Identity and How to Get it Back
- How to Navigate the Parent Shaming Spiral
- Pregnancy Questions: Antepartum Depression and Anxiety
- Things you should NEVER say to a pregnant lady
- Pregnancy Survival Guide for Mom and Dad
- What NOT to do After Baby Arrives
- Having Another Baby after Postpartum Depression
- 5 Ways to Connect with Your Daughter
- 5 Lessons Learned from Postpartum Depression
- Moving Forward After Miscarriage
- Postpartum Depression & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- The Trauma of Infertility: A Guide to Surviving and Thriving
- Why Mom's Lose their Identity and How to Get it Back
- Spotting Teen Depression
- Problem Child? It's Not your Kid, It's You!
- 4 Tips for Parenting Children with ADHD
- There is No Such Thing as a Bad Kid
- 6 Tips for the Tired Parent
- Defusing the Family Feud: Steps to Repairing Strained or Broken Relationships
- The Dos and Don'ts for Parenting Adult Children
- Teaching Your Children Chores can be Fun and Rewarding
- Want a Better Relationship with Your Children? Don't be Afraid to Argue!
- Your Child Self-Harms, Now What?
- 5 Crucial Things You Must do for Children of Divorce
- How to Help a Suicidal Teen
- 5 Ways to Connect with Your Daughter
- How Addiction in the Family Can Affect Your Teen
- One Simple Way to Survive Your Teenager's Sex Drive
- 10 Signs that Your Child has been Traumatized
- Parental Preference: Do Your Children Like You Less?
- Are You a "Know-it-All" Parent? Here is how People Deal with You
- Coping with a New Normal When the Kids Leave the Nest
- 3 Ways to Survive Winter Break with Your Kids
- How to Teach Children to Say Sorry
- 5 Steps to Maintain a Positive Relationship with Adult Children
- Booming Forward: Adapting to Life with Boomerang Children
- Problem Child? It's Not your Kid, It's You!
- 4 Tips for Parenting Children with ADHD
- There is No Such Thing as a Bad Kid
- 6 Tips for the Tired Parent
- Defusing the Family Feud: Steps to Repairing Strained or Broken Relationships
- The Dos and Don'ts for Parenting Adult Children
- Teaching Your Children Chores can be Fun and Rewarding
- Want a Better Relationship with Your Children? Don't be Afraid to Argue!
- Your Child Self-Harms, Now What?
- 5 Crucial Things You Must do for Children of Divorce
- How to Help a Suicidal Teen
- 5 Ways to Connect with Your Daughter
- How Addiction in the Family Can Affect Your Teen
- One Simple Way to Survive Your Teenager's Sex Drive
- 10 Signs that Your Child has been Traumatized
- Parental Preference: Do Your Children Like You Less?
- Are You a "Know-it-All" Parent? Here is how People Deal with You
- Coping with a New Normal When the Kids Leave the Nest
- 3 Ways to Survive Winter Break with Your Kids
- How to Teach Children to Say Sorry
- 5 Steps to Maintain a Positive Relationship with Adult Children
- Booming Forward: Adapting to Life with Boomerang Children
- Journaling: Remember to LOVE the Moment
- Why Mom's Lose their Identity and How to Get it Back
- Center Yourself and Reduce Stress
- Do you have a Balanced Brain? How you Can Tell
- Wasting Time Reduces Stress
- 4 Ways to Start Feeling Good About Yourself
- 5 Ways to Cope with Violence, Disasters and Tragedies
- Beating the Superhero Syndrome
- 7 Things that will Help you When you Feel Small
- The Dreaded F Word: The Functions and Benefits of Feeling Your Feelings
- The Benefits of Taking Adult Time-Outs
- 5 Ways to Cope when Our Brains Turn Against Us
- Turning a Breakdown into a Breakthrough
- 7 Ways to be More Productive
- Adult Coloring Books are More than Just Fun
- 10 Signs You May Need an Emotional Tune-Up
- 11 Signs You Party Too Much
- Not Just for Trauma, EMDR and Performance Enhancement
- 7 Indicators You Might Need Therapy
- Face Your Fears: Why You are Afraid of Things and how to Overcome Them
- Feeling Detached? 4 Ways to Become More Connected
- Pinterest Perfect: 3 Concepts to Understand Before it Kills You
- Overcoming Superhero Syndrome
- The Benefits of Pet Ownership for Seniors
- How You Cope with Stress May be Hindering Your Fitness Program
- How to Handle a Midlife Crisis
- Left Brain/ Right Brain- Find Balance
- Why Mom's Lose their Identity and How to Get it Back
- Center Yourself and Reduce Stress
- Do you have a Balanced Brain? How you Can Tell
- Wasting Time Reduces Stress
- 4 Ways to Start Feeling Good About Yourself
- 5 Ways to Cope with Violence, Disasters and Tragedies
- Beating the Superhero Syndrome
- 7 Things that will Help you When you Feel Small
- The Dreaded F Word: The Functions and Benefits of Feeling Your Feelings
- The Benefits of Taking Adult Time-Outs
- 5 Ways to Cope when Our Brains Turn Against Us
- Turning a Breakdown into a Breakthrough
- 7 Ways to be More Productive
- Adult Coloring Books are More than Just Fun
- 10 Signs You May Need an Emotional Tune-Up
- 11 Signs You Party Too Much
- Not Just for Trauma, EMDR and Performance Enhancement
- 7 Indicators You Might Need Therapy
- Face Your Fears: Why You are Afraid of Things and how to Overcome Them
- Feeling Detached? 4 Ways to Become More Connected
- Pinterest Perfect: 3 Concepts to Understand Before it Kills You
- Overcoming Superhero Syndrome
- The Benefits of Pet Ownership for Seniors
- How You Cope with Stress May be Hindering Your Fitness Program
- How to Handle a Midlife Crisis
- Left Brain/ Right Brain- Find Balance
- Tips for Making Your New Year's Resolutions a Success
- 5 Tips to Make it Mother's Day All Year
- 3 Ways the Founding Fathers, Teenagers and Toddlers are the Same
- Signs Encourage those Setting off Fireworks to be Courteous to Veterans with PTSD
- Sexualizing Halloween Costumes for Toddlers
- Tips for Ensuring a Friendly, Safe and Fun Halloween
- Christmas Tips for Divorced Parents
- Loving the Grinches Among Us
- A Holiday Blueprint for Tackling Anxiety and Trauma
- Maintaining a Happy Family through the Holidays
- 7 Tips for Divorced Parents to Make the Holidays Easier
- 3 Ways to Survive Winter Break with Your Kids
- 5 Tips to Make it Mother's Day All Year
- 3 Ways the Founding Fathers, Teenagers and Toddlers are the Same
- Signs Encourage those Setting off Fireworks to be Courteous to Veterans with PTSD
- Sexualizing Halloween Costumes for Toddlers
- Tips for Ensuring a Friendly, Safe and Fun Halloween
- Christmas Tips for Divorced Parents
- Loving the Grinches Among Us
- A Holiday Blueprint for Tackling Anxiety and Trauma
- Maintaining a Happy Family through the Holidays
- 7 Tips for Divorced Parents to Make the Holidays Easier
- 3 Ways to Survive Winter Break with Your Kids
- When should I allow my child to get a social media account?
- How can I still parent adult children?
- How do we transition our kids into a blended family?
- How do I politely leave a conversation with a chatterbox?
- When is a child too young to stay home alone?
- What should I do about bored teenagers?
- Why we are sad about celebrity break-ups
- I Have a toxic mom- Help!
- Dealing with a terminally ill pet
- What to do about annoying neighbors
- Should I tell my spouse they are getting fat?
- Can I start dating, even if my child does not want me to?
- I'm divorced and I feel like my kids have to choose sides- What should I do?
- My 24-year-old Sister is bringing her 49-year-old boyfriend to Christmas! How can it not be Weird?
- Help! My wife is a hoarder!
- How do I stop my family member from freeloading?
- My family member is a hypochondriac, how can I help them?
-What if my spouse wants me to diet with them, but I don't want to?
- How can I still parent adult children?
- How do we transition our kids into a blended family?
- How do I politely leave a conversation with a chatterbox?
- When is a child too young to stay home alone?
- What should I do about bored teenagers?
- Why we are sad about celebrity break-ups
- I Have a toxic mom- Help!
- Dealing with a terminally ill pet
- What to do about annoying neighbors
- Should I tell my spouse they are getting fat?
- Can I start dating, even if my child does not want me to?
- I'm divorced and I feel like my kids have to choose sides- What should I do?
- My 24-year-old Sister is bringing her 49-year-old boyfriend to Christmas! How can it not be Weird?
- Help! My wife is a hoarder!
- How do I stop my family member from freeloading?
- My family member is a hypochondriac, how can I help them?
-What if my spouse wants me to diet with them, but I don't want to?
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