Life Stone clinicians recognize that diagnosing ADHD is a crucial yet complex process. That's why we employ comprehensive assessments, including Qb testing, to
carefully analyze behavioral patterns, developmental history, and
cognitive functioning. We navigate through diverse diagnostic criteria to rule out other
potential causes for symptoms. We are committed to providing tailored
interventions and support that will greatly enhance your quality of life
and empower you to thrive!
Life Stone Counseling Centers is proud to provide ADHD Qb testing for Utah. Qb testing, which stands for Quantitative Behavioral Testing, is a type of electronic diagnostic test that is used by psychiatric and mental health providers to assess ADHD symptoms, aid in diagnosis, and plan more comprehensive treatments.
By mapping a patient’s motions during recorded responses to stimuli, our providers, are able to better gauge the severity and symptoms of ADHD when compared to data from people of similar ages.